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Financial Advisor Essentials

A comprehensive guide covering topics such as financial planning, investment analysis, compliance, and practice management.

Wealthbox Integration: Risk Analysis with StratiFi

In 2014, Wealthbox, a CRM system for all financial advisors was introduced. Wealthbox is renowned for its cutting-edge product design and strong, user-friendly user interface. It is integrated with top administrators and wealth-tech partners.

Addepar Integration: Simplified Risk Analysis with StratiFi

When developing an investment strategy, authentic information sources and real-time data are...

Smartria® Announces Integration with StratiFi, Developer of Award-Winning PRISM Rating™ Technology

Users of the award-winning Smartria compliance management platform will gain access to real-time...

How Sequence Risk Analysis Helps Retirees Sustain Their Nest Egg in Retirement

Retirement planning is all about managing risk, right?

Don’t Be a Victim of the Markets… Invest in Yourself

You can’t control investors who greed in and out of the markets at the wrong times, right? 

4 Different Risk Factors & Why They’re Important

Using advanced methods similar to the leading institutional investors like PIMCO, Stratifi...

Why ‘Diversified Portfolios Lessen Volatility’ is a Myth

A risk approach is widely used among institutional investors, but many individual investors and...

Are You Educating Your Clients on Tail Risk?

In February of 2020, markets experienced an event that nobody had predicted.

Why Some Risk Scores Can Be Risky For a Portfolio…

A risk score is supposed to be an objective, quantitative measurement of an investor’s true risk...