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Risk Tolerance Quiz

Akhil Lodha

Now is not the Time for Advisors to Cut Back on Their Marketing

In 2018, volatility in the stock market returned with a vengeance, catching most investors and many advisors off guard. Advisors, who have experienced at least a couple of market cycles, understand that volatility is normal and market pullbacks are temporary, which is why they advise their clients to exercise patience and discipline in staying the course with their long-term strategies. Yet, the record outflows from equity funds over the last...

Is it Time to Add a Tactical Strategy to Your Asset Allocation Plans?

One thing we can say for certain is that, after a 10-year bull run with minimal volatility, the...

What Does Your Online Presence Say About Your Advising Business?

You have an online presence, either intentionally or unintentionally, or both. Go ahead and ...

StratiFi Wins Award For Best Compliance Technology

San Francisco, September 13, 2019 – StratiFi Technologies Inc., which is democratizing risk...

To Grow, RIA Firms Must Achieve Scale without Sacrificing Specialization

Leading RIA firms understand that the key to profitable growth is to optimize their ability to...

The Dawn of Professional Collaboration

The Higher Purpose of Financial Advisors

More than any other type of professional advisor – be it a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant or a...

The Great Wealth Transfer: Will You Be Left Behind?

It may be the closest thing to a blind side that financial advisors will ever experience. The...

Getting to the Next Level with an Associate Advisor

Anyone with an ambition of getting to the next level and beyond is bound to reach a critical...

Howard Marks: Advisors Need To Be Risk Managers

Howard Marks, one of the world’s great money managers, has a simple message for financial...