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Akhil Lodha

Specialization May Be Financial Advisors’ Quickest Path to Success

Most financial advisors begin their careers as generalists, offering a full range of investment and insurance products to anyone who will see them. Some remain as product salespeople while others develop the knowledge, skills, and credentials to perform comprehensive financial planning. But they essentially remain as generalists. While noble in its cause, and much needed by the vast majority of Americans, practicing comprehensive financial...

How Advisors Can Use Social Media to Gain Influence and Clients

Today, the vast majority of a financial advisor’s potential clients reside in a parallel...

Attract Ideal Clients With Online Personas

Most financial advisors understand the value of an ideal client profile in helping them identify...

For Advisors Looking for Next Generation Clients: It’s a Matter of Trust

The greatest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history is underway. As a financial advisor,...

An Essential Way To Grow Your Business

For much of the past decade, advisors have benefitted from market-driven growth. As the markets...

Is the Era of Index Funds About to End Badly?

In February 2019, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index hit a new high, less than two months after one...

How To Create Your Own Guaranteed Pension

Many people struggle with choosing a retirement income strategy that assures they will not outlive...

The Long and Short of Investing

For much of the past decade, investment profits have flowed to anyone who simply bought stocks and...

Why Advisors Need to Offer Private Equity to Their HNW Clients

One of the key lessons of the 2018 investment year is that extreme volatility can wreak havoc on...

The Danger of Index Funds

The recent stock market decline is a stark reminder to investors that there is risk in index...