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StratiFi Announces Occam To Advance Investor Education, Risk-Adjusted Investing

San Francisco, August 15th – StratiFi Technologies, which is democratizing risk management to help everyone make better financial decisions, announced the launch of Occam, a financial education and media eco-system.

Occam was conceived by Steven M. Sears, a former Barron’s columnist and senior editor, who will edit and lead the site. The website,, is named after Occam’s Razor, a principle that favors simple, concise analysis. Occam will publish original and curated news, including actionable investment ideas, while profiling thought leaders and successful investors to help people minimize risk and maximize returns.

“Too much financial news, and too many stories about supposed investment opportunities, are driven by marketability, rather than by investment merits. Occam is focused on educating investors, and bringing them information that matters, and that they often cannot access, so they can make better investment decisions. We also want to create a community whose knowledge and interests sharpen each other,” Mr. Sears said.

Mr. Sears, who is also StratiFi’s chief market strategist, is the author of The Indomitable Investor: Why a Few Succeed in the Stock Market When Everyone Else Fails. His book, and his Barron’s Striking Price column, were noted for synthesizing and simplifying complex investment ideas so they could be understood and implemented by anyone. He also was part of executive teams that demutualized the U.S. options industry and introduced electronic trading.

Akhil Lodha, StratiFi’s co-founder and chief executive, said advisors and investors need an educational eco-system like Occam to simplify key ideas and teach essential investing concepts, while avoiding the hype that accompanies so much financial information.

“Everyone talks about machine learning, and how computers learn from data and thus make better investment decisions. We think people deserve the same and it all begins with financial literacy. We want Occam to be a force multiplier for investors and advisors by delivering actionable, relevant financial and educational information that will help them better navigate the markets, and hopefully make them immune to all the gimmicks that too frequently corrupt investment information,” said Mr. Lodha, who worked on an electronic trading desk at a major bank prior to focusing on applying technology to solve some of the more difficult issues facing investors and advisors.

About StratiFi Technologies

StratiFi Technologies Inc. helps investors make smarter investment decisions.

We enable investment advisors, family offices and investors to define and manage risks that are often hidden, or not well understood, within their client’s portfolios. Our PRISM Rating™ technology democratizes risk management techniques that are normally the purview of sophisticated institutional investors. By identifying, defining, and managing risks, StratiFi helps financial advisors help their clients, and also protect and grow their practices. By educating clients about the realities of markets, advisors can deepen relationships, and better help investors confront the challenges of modern markets and the demands of modern life.

StratiFi, based in San Francisco and New York, is backed by key investors who are focused on financial technology, including Cboe Global Markets, Wolverine Holdings, and leading venture capital firms, including Anthemis Group, Khosla Ventures and Y Combinator.

To learn how StratiFi can help you become a better investor, please visit us

Investor and Media Contacts

Steve Sears/Akhil Lodha